Free 4-Day Intimacy Challenge*

* Find Pleasure In Your Body and Feel Ready for Soul-Satisfying Intimacy in Your Current or Next Relationship.

April 24 - 27, 2023

To enjoy intimacy, enjoy your body.

Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?

But when we can’t stand the way we look, or feel disconnected from how we feel, a close intimate relationship can seem like an impossible dream.

I know what it feels like to be both completely disconnected from my body AND somehow at war with it. I know personally how terrified I was to let someone see me – and how that terror kept me from being open to and receiving genuine romantic love.

I workshopped, studied, explored, facilitated, dressed up, dieted, hid, and paraded my own body in the hopes I might accept it… and ultimately found out that all of it somehow mattered less when I could finally just… love my body as it was…and love myself.

And when that happened, miraculously, I found love with another.

As a somatic therapist and body empowerment coach, I have had the gift of seeing hundreds of women heal their own stories about their bodies as they recover from eating disorders, sexual trauma, childhood abuse, disability prejudice – and find love with a partner when they found love for themselves.

My recent tour only amplified my awe of the incredible power of women to heal and uplift themselves – and to see how women uplifted and in love with their bodies can find the potential for love everywhere and with whomever they choose in just the way they want.

Love Your Body First.



I have consolidated all the years of work, healing, inspiration, and transformation for body empowerment into

ONE comprehensive system:

In this new, never before shared system:

Normally a 14-week process, we will be consolidating and sharing the 4 key steps into this

Free 4-day Challenge so

April 24 - 27 FREE LAUNCH

B is for Biology.
Understand what your actual body is, and how your physical and metaphysical biologies work so you can access their innate power for love.

O is for Observation.
Stop looking at your body as something to fix, and start to connect with it as your best guide how to live your best life.

D is for Desire.
Welcome your hunger and need. Clarify what makes YOU feel sexy, safe, and ready for connection. When you do not resist what you desire, your desire guides you to your most personally curated, satisfying, soul-linked relationships.

Y is for You.
Take the final step towards intimacy with an other by first celebrating intimacy with yourself. Explore gentle, loving, and safe practices towards empowered self expression, sexuality, and intimate connection.

Some of what you get when you experience The BODY METHOD for Intimacy:

Ready for Intimacy on Your Terms:


During this 4-Day Challenge, learn the 4 key steps to shift from discomfort with your body and resistance to intimacy, to comfortable, connected, and primed for love!

Each morning receive a short video and ‘playsheet’ exploring key concepts for body confidence and intimacy.

Each evening, join a live online group with like-minded women to share and integrate the topic with community, lecture, and group practices.

One beloved participant shares her experience…

“Janet’s course quite literally changed my life. She guided me to undo years of trauma and she expertly led me to reconnect to my body in a healthy and expansive way. Her genuine compassion allowed me to safely express feelings I didn’t even know were keeping me captive in patterns that were holding me back from my true self.

Being equipped with the tools of her course, I have been able to deepen the connection to myself, move forward in challenging relationships, step into my true potential, embrace my true worth, and feel more deeply connected to my husband.

The only regret I have is that I wasn’t equipped with the tools of this course sooner.”

~ Kaci Wright Johnson, Texas

Free 4-Day Intimacy Challenge*

Find Pleasure In Your Body and Feel Ready for Soul-Satisfying Intimacy in Your Current or Next Relationship.

April 24 - 27, 2023

Hope to see you there!

Live a Life of Confidence,
Clarity and Joy

Download Your Book Below.

Get started learning to Love Your Body today! 

Download our gift to you here: